Forums - What new strategies have you learned from B5? Show all 42 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What new strategies have you learned from B5? ( Posted by TimeFlip on 08:06:2001 03:09 PM: What new strategies have you learned from B5? Today is August 6, and B5 was the 4/5. So I'm just wondering what new stuff you have learned from B5. Unfortunately I didn't go, but I'm interested in what the Japanese did. So for whatever game(it would help if you specified), post something new you learned. Posted by Roo_Matthew on 08:06:2001 05:35 PM: Alot of Whore shit!!!! Posted by TimeFlip on 08:06:2001 06:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Roo_Matthew Alot of Whore shit!!!! Like what? Posted by Roo_Matthew on 08:06:2001 06:06 PM: Alot of interesting keep away techniques. Can't ermember any right now.....too much alchahol in my system still Posted by FallenAngel on 08:06:2001 06:11 PM: I wasn't there, but some of the most talked things were: - V-Cody - V-Rolento (who would have thought of that) - Raiden winning the finals of CVS - Twelve rushdown in 3s ("twelveneto") Maybe someone who was there can explain it a little bit further. FallenAngel Posted by TimeFlip on 08:06:2001 06:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by FallenAngel I wasn't there, but some of the most talked things were: - V-Cody - V-Rolento (who would have thought of that) - Raiden winning the finals of CVS - Twelve rushdown in 3s ("twelveneto") Maybe someone who was there can explain it a little bit further. FallenAngel I think I understand Cody; he had an infinite or something. Now for V-Rolento(aka Valle-Rolento ), basically get in the corner, activate V-Ism and chip with the Baton Spin. Raiden, I know he's a grapple character, but I don't see how he could win. How did everyone do in MVC2? Posted by bizounce on 08:06:2001 09:13 PM: Wow, I want to see that Raiden stuff. I love Raiden. Even though I never thought he was good. Posted by ghouki on 08:06:2001 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by bizounce Wow, I want to see that Raiden stuff. I love Raiden. Even though I never thought he was good. Wasn't that one of the japanese players playuing with a crayass Sakura and I think King? Because I saw somone had Raiden on their team, but the other guy never made it past Sak. Posted by Ouroborus on 08:06:2001 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by FallenAngel I wasn't there, but some of the most talked things were: - Raiden winning the finals of CVS - Twelve rushdown in 3s ("twelveneto") Maybe someone who was there can explain it a little bit further. FallenAngel Word. I was shocked to see fat ass Raiden won CvS. Well from what i saw Guile was going for the sommersault justice or recovering from it when he got super thrown by Raiden. And GQ's Twelve was fuckin off the hook! air dash into his fierce punches and kicks, air dash back and pokes the opponent more. Just fuckin amazing. Maybe he is not so low tier after all.... Posted by GeekBoy on 08:06:2001 10:06 PM: None that I care to share with the world. Posted by aquarake on 08:06:2001 10:31 PM: anything w/ mvc2? is there gonna be nice videos from our god, the multimedia dude? Posted by Goku on 08:06:2001 10:55 PM: Too shocking for words. No the v-rolento wasn't repeated batons Posted by Ouroborus on 08:06:2001 11:11 PM: what I learned in MvC2: -Justin's bitch mode Cammy -the Japanese throw happy Colossus -100% DHC's Posted by unknown shadow on 08:06:2001 11:38 PM: What new strategies have you learned from B5? a whole lots of traps and strategies Posted by TimeFlip on 08:07:2001 12:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus what I learned in MvC2: -Justin's bitch mode Cammy -the Japanese throw happy Colossus -100% DHC's 100% DHC's...word Any in particular??? Posted by superbooga on 08:07:2001 01:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip 100% DHC's...word Any in particular??? Standard Storm combo into Sentinel's HSF, into Sentinel air combo. Posted by BlackShinobi on 08:07:2001 01:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by superbooga Standard Storm combo into Sentinel's HSF, into Sentinel air combo. hahaha that was Justin I know it did he throw the cammy assist in too, that part doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than pissing me off. Posted by Cornelius on 08:07:2001 04:12 AM: Timing for HSF after a lightning storm is a bitch. Storm and Sent only Lightning Storm AC XX HSF, HP, Rocket Punch XX HSF, Dash in launch /\ Sent Hard Drive AC XX Hail Storm. Storm and BH Launch+Call BH /\ SJ Jab -> SJ Short -> SJ Strong (BH hits) XX Upwards Lightning Attack XX Upwards Lightning Attack XX Lightning Storm XX Armageddon. I don't think it works for CapCom...but it'd be pretty cool if it did. Team Watts Captain Storm, C. Short -> S. Roundhouse XX Corridor XX Sword XX HSF, D.S. Roundhouse /\ SJ. Jab -> SJ. Short -> SJ. Strong XX Hard Drive XX Armageddon or Sword if BH dead Works best in corner to get Sent's launcher to connect after the HSF, but isn't necessary if you can dash/wavedash well. if they mash out of CapCom's OTG C. Short, grab with HK and mash like hell. Glitched Jugg and Iron Man Headcrush XX Proton Cannon should kill just about anyone. Psy BH Doom Butterfly Super AC XX Armageddon XX Sphere Flame Spiral's level 3 hyper morph, into Cable timeflip looks dope. Block anything XX tick into throw super. Posted by prototype on 08:07:2001 08:23 PM: bump Posted by mastermind on 08:07:2001 08:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Cornelius Timing for HSF after a lightning storm is a bitch. Storm and Sent only Lightning Storm AC XX HSF, HP, Rocket Punch XX HSF, Dash in launch /\ Sent Hard Drive AC XX Hail Storm. Damn. Just...damn. Posted by BrazilionBH on 08:07:2001 10:41 PM: An esier way to combo the HSF after the lightning storm is to do storms air dash down combo in to super.Lift with storm feirce punch,air dash down + frwrd,shrt,frwrd lightning strike lightning storm cancel into HSF.Its easier to combo the HSF cause they are closer to the ground not to say that it does more damage than the other. Posted by Cornelius on 08:07:2001 10:59 PM: oh yeah, sorry, I didn't go to B5. I was responding to the DHC comboes question. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 08:08:2001 01:37 AM: damn i wanna see that coloussus...he onwed in cota w/ his throws...i wanna see how they played him anyone got anything they saw!?!?!?! Posted by premiumg on 08:08:2001 02:29 AM: when we gonna see some footage from the tourney? Posted by vega2001 on 08:08:2001 03:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by DemiDeviMatt damn i wanna see that coloussus...he onwed in cota w/ his throws...i wanna see how they played him anyone got anything they saw!?!?!?! I'll second that. Wow, I wished I could have been at B5. Posted by sabretooth on 08:08:2001 09:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi hahaha that was Justin I know it did he throw the cammy assist in too, that part doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than pissing me off. What's wrong with you, people. Viscanat was doing this combo at B4(yes, B4). It's very, very old. At the time, I was playing guile/iceman/ryu. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 08:08:2001 01:06 PM: Yes, and what's your point. Justin's doing it now and people are very hyper because of the fact that he one. Of course some people know the combo but people that don't are asking now. BTW, who would ever use guile/iceman/ryu. Around then I was using magneto/amingo/Jill. lol. Posted by Ouroborus on 08:08:2001 08:22 PM: Justin countering the AHVB with Cammy xx KBA was too good. Posted by BlackShinobi on 08:08:2001 11:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by sabretooth What's wrong with you, people. Viscanat was doing this combo at B4(yes, B4). It's very, very old. At the time, I was playing guile/iceman/ryu. I never sai he invented it, he just uses it alot with his new team Its like Mag/psylocke, I can tell whos playing by the combo because everyone has a different favorite Mag/Psy combo. Besides if Viscant was using Storm/Doom then its pretty hard for him to DHC into a HSF It a basic storm AC with a DHC there no way in hell that went undiscovered for this long. Posted by Coy on 08:10:2001 02:21 AM: Justin did what? to punish AHVB? - he alpha-counter XX Cammy's super, or did he DHC into Cammy, or you mean he just did the super when playing Cammy on point. Sorry but I didn't understand you, i hope you can help me clear this doubt. Posted by THE_LAW on 08:10:2001 04:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Coy Justin did what? to punish AHVB? - he alpha-counter XX Cammy's super, or did he DHC into Cammy, or you mean he just did the super when playing Cammy on point. Sorry but I didn't understand you, i hope you can help me clear this doubt. he did all 3 in the finals in seperat matchs aginst duc! Posted by kdcmarvel on 08:10:2001 05:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Coy Justin did what? to punish AHVB? - he alpha-counter XX Cammy's super, or did he DHC into Cammy, or you mean he just did the super when playing Cammy on point. Sorry but I didn't understand you, i hope you can help me clear this doubt. What's up, Coy? I hope everything is cool with you I think I know this tactic. Once you block the AHVB(as soon as possible), do the VC into Cammy A. Waits until her AntiAir goes over the height of the beam(don't forget that the Cable player will aim it up as soon as you try it) then cancel it into the special. You'll punish Cable in the middle of the AHVB. I think the cancel should work at a lowest height too, in theory, but the AHVB hits her(!?) Against an AHVB, this counter punishes even better than a CAHVB(counter into AHVB), because you can do it in the middle of the AHVB, which means the blocked AHVB it's not safe for Cable even if very, very close to the ground. I'm pretty sure she can do it against Sent's HSF too, in the same way. Sometims she bonces off of it, bt I think that happens because the cancel into super wasn't done high enough. You probably knows it already, but the counters into supers can punish many things that seems safe, like HSFs(Cable, Cammy and Ken can punish it, from the top of my head), AHVBs(Cable and Cammy too, although cable can't if it's very close to the ground), Cable's HP traps, Inf/HoD, any beams and lots of trap stuff. I think Cable B and Cammy A are the best ones for it. Cammy has the advantage to punish close to the ground moves too. Cable has the advantage to be able to punish assists with it, even against rushdown. With the DHCs potential of Justin's team, a variable counter into Cammy would probably kill the character, if he has meter enough. Variable counters are one of the reasons that explain what I still like cable/storm/cammy and cable/storm/sent so much. With Sent, although losing Cammy's options, when you have meter you can throw into 100% DHCs, with Cable or Storm. If Storm gets 5 bars and still gets the lead, she becomes a monster against anyone. If the opponent tries to trap you, CAHVB x whatever, GB or Hail(a 100% or more if you GB the next opp.). If they comes close to attack Storm, a single d.LK/LP, an HK or even a throw at the right position will kill them. Storm becames just too powerful. I typed too much for now I hope I could help you with your original question, like you helped me a lot in the past. See you later! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 08:10:2001 06:22 AM: I love the counter XX super combinations. I've been thinking about building a team just around that concept. Great thing about this idea is that it makes a virtually risk-free team. I don't ever really have to engage the opponent up close to get damage. I just run away, zone, and otherwise battery up, pause long enough to cleanly block an attack, counter xx super and dhc them to death. Any suggestions on team combinations from the following would be appreciated: Storm-B, Cable-B, Capcom-B, Cyclops-A, Sentinel-A, Hulk-B, Cammy (whatever the AAA is), Blackheart-B, Juggernaut-A or B, SilverSam-Y, or Sabretooth-A. -DFA Posted by Vonstar on 08:10:2001 06:50 AM: can cable ahvb cammy when she is getting ready to do the super? like or instnce, cable ahvb, but before the beam, cammy sets up her killer bee super, does cammy get hit or is that invincible like her aaa Posted by mixup on 08:10:2001 07:30 AM: I dont think the start-up is invincible, i've been shot down before Posted by drunkenrage on 08:10:2001 08:56 PM: kdcmarvel What do u mean by GB And also can u give example's of variable counter into cammy into 100%? Also the one with sent. I just don't understand what ur saying today for some other reason. and any 100% dhc tha contians vareible counter or not That's one of the teams i'e been trying to learn since last week drunkrage Posted by Coy on 08:11:2001 04:28 AM: THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR REPLIES GUYS. Storm/Sentinel/Cable, now that I think of it that team KdcMarvel it really be a killer. Storm runaways and rushes with the aid of Cable-B and Sentinel-C, she gets a succesful triangle jump with airdash rounhouse on you and does a 100% DHC, you try to trap her AC XX AHVB to death, she sees a Cable with less than 60% of life and she can do an air lightingstorm XX HSF / cr.Fierce / rocket.P / storm-A / cr.fierce / rocket.P / HSF / repeat ... until cable dies of chip damage. Storm is really strong in this team. Thanks for your opinion KDCmarvel, I'll try that team you suggest it sounds very good. I still wonder how does Justin plays Sentinel with that assists (Cammy-A and Storm-A), outside of the trap with storm-A assist on big characters I don't understand what else he can do???. Does anyone that saw him play can give me a little enlighten, like what he does with Sentinel on point??? headstopms while calling storm-A??? I also wonder if he plays Storm similar to his Magneto (staying in air a lot and air-maneuvering mostly)???? I'LL APRECIATE A LOT ANY HELP YOU GUYS CAN GIVE ME, ENLIGHTEN ME PLEASE. Posted by Vonstar on 08:11:2001 08:54 AM: i think storm's gamma assist (the vertical tyhpoon) can really help out sentinel when hes in flight mode, because it tracks down, and almost fills up the whole screen. i don't think storm alpha could really help sentinel, maybe if i seen how justin did it i'd have a different perpective. Posted by kdcmarvel on 08:12:2001 11:38 AM: Death from above If you want good variable counters, I think that you should make your team with 3 of these characters: Cable, Cammy, Storm and Sentinel, Storm being there for sure. Cable's CAHVB is simply too powerful. Once you have 4 meters, you can kill almost any trap that the opponent might try against your other charaters using it. You can even kill assists used at rushdown purposes, using the psimitar to take the point character out of you and the AHVB to kill the assist and chip the main. Cammy, like Cable, has a VC that can break AHVB, HSF and many other things. With she and Cable on the same team, as long as you have bars, you practically can't be trapped/chipped. Her problem is that she needs DHCs to kill, because even her corner juggles would require some throws in the air to get 100% or close to it. I think Storm B can be good too, but I think her main reasons are others. First, she's the best battery of the 4. You can't play a VC/DHC team if you can't build meters. Second, she's the queen to DHC in and out. Anything can be DHCed to Hail, and all her partners can DHC out of the Lightning Storm anywhere on the screen. I prefer Storm A assist and the VCs being used by the other chars. Sent it's the same as Storm. I know many people like Sent A, and it can be a good VC too, but I think the drones are just to useful as an assist. You can use them to do throws into 100% combos with Storm and Cable. He is really powerful to DHCs too, specially because he can break the 3 specials DHC rule, doing HSF, HP, HSF or HSF, dash launcher, there you go... If you VC to him and cancel the drones as fast as you can to HSF it goes fast too. You can kill rushdown characters comboing out of it. So I suggest Storm/Cable/Sent(or Storm/Sent/Cable), Storm/Cable/Cammy or Storm/Sent/Cammy as my favorites. You can put Storm second at any of these teams and see a good work too. I hope it can help you. See ya! Vonstar You can see the startup of the AHVB and do the special, and Cammy will still hits Cable. It works for DHCs too. Only at the VC, it seems that if you cancel her DP move too soon, the AHVB catches her. I have no idea why. Anyway, Cammy's KBA invencbility frames are enough to get out of any GB attempts by Cable. See ya! drunkenrage I mean guard break by GB. My english isn't too good so that's probably why you're not understanding me well. I was trying to wrote the VC combos to you but there are so many things that I think I'll just tell you what are the DHCs and VCs for each character and you can build your own DHCs. Any doubts ask back. VCs are Cammy A into KBA or Cable B into AHVB. With Cable, you can just AHVB as many times as you want. With Cammy, you can DHC right away from the KBA(HVB and Hail Storm works for sure, I don't remember about HSF since I rarely see a Sent/Cammy player). If you're at the corner, you can juggle(no OTG) for an air combo into KBA. Very good damage and you can DHC out of it with no problems. DHCs - Sent can HSF after HVB or low AHVB and Lightning Storm. I think you can do it after Hail too, if at the proper position. I think the same about KBA. Sent's main advantage is to break the max 3 DHCs rule. Once you get his HSF going on you can HP, another HSF, DHC or dash launch, air combo into special, DHC. He makes 100% combos a piece of cake, specially with Storm on the team. Storm can Hail out of everything and can Lightning Storm to everything(by everything I mean HVB, HSF and KBA, this is what matters on these teams). She can even do a high Hail Storm, Lightning Storm immediately Dhced to a fast super and the super will connect after the Hail. Cable can HVB after HSF, KBA, Lighning Storm or even Hail. From the HVB you can KBA or Hail or HSF. It can't be used aftre SEnt's air super. The HVB it's a good DHC special, in fact. Cammy can KBA after Lightning Storm, HVB, AHVB or HSF(prolly Sent air super too, but not sure). So, you can use this info to build your DHCs. I think I repeated many things I have said above but the basics are: Cable should always DHC to or from HVB. Storm should always DHC to Hail, and from Lightning Storm(although Hail can works too, if you're using it as DHC or assist punishment and can't use the first one). Sent always DHC to HSF, usually does HP, HSF to DHc from it or dash/wavedash into launch, air special. The air specail doesn't DHc to HVB. Cammy uses always KBA, and can juggle in the corner to do more damage and resets the 3 DHCs rule. I want to sleep, so I'm sorry if everything is confuse(here I'm typing at 8:15 am, and I didn't go to bed yet). Any doubts, come back to me. I hope it helps BTW: I just saw that you want DHCs without the VCs too... Well, if you like mag/storm/psy you can do very good stuff with those 3. Any specila in the air can be DHCed to the next character(mags always tempest, psy always butterfly, storm the same as above). Well, good night. I bring more to you other day(BH, Doom, Cyc, IM...). See ya! Coy Cable/Storm/Sent is so cool, isn't it? I think I'm the only one that used/liked this team. If you found some nice stuff about it, please share it with me A nice thing you can try are the throw combos. With Cable, call Sent drones immediately before you throw an opponent backwards. The opponent will eat the drones and many times(positioning stuff) you can setup a launcher after it(almost always if you're playing against Mags or other Cable), sj. AHVB, Hail, and you have Storm on point and an opponent with 15% or less energy for his first character. With Storm it's the same thing: throw forward into drones, HK, air combo into lighning storm, DHC combos until 100%. Or if the opponent isn't close to full energy and you have 5 bars, do HSF right away into HVB. You'll kill the opp. and then have 2 bars to GB AHVB, Hail the next one, getting Storm back on point. See ya! Everyone: Now I typed too much, I need some sleep. See you all later! Posted by sabretooth on 08:15:2001 03:40 AM: kdcmarvel, the posts you made above are some of the best I've ever read at srk, specially now that I'm trying storm/cable/sent too(I guess I'm playing team kdcmarvel then...) Thanks a lot Coy, reading the posts above i think I figured out something that might have made justin's storm that good. Having meters, if the opponent tries to trap, he would go to cammy counter and 100% dhc. if the opp. tries to rush, he could sent counter and 100% dhc. So, his storm could do whatever he wants, but the opp couldn't. This AC/DHC teams are really good. Posted by nightmareivy on 08:15:2001 05:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I think I understand Cody; he had an infinite or something. Now for V-Rolento(aka Valle-Rolento ), basically get in the corner, activate V-Ism and chip with the Baton Spin. Raiden, I know he's a grapple character, but I don't see how he could win. How did everyone do in MVC2? with rolento is not chip with the baton spin chikyu had an infinite combo with rolento but you have to be chikyu or talk to chikyu how to do it, I saw him go as high as 54hits. Chikyu won cvs with raiden by catching a keep away guile with a level two raiden elbow drop super Posted by sabretooth on 08:17:2001 02:31 AM: Poll for you, guys? What's the best overall team: Storm/cable/cammy, storm/sent/cammy, cable/storm/sent or spiral/cable/sent? All times are GMT. The time now is 10:26 PM. Show all 42 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.